Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A New Way of Life

         I have just started this new page in my book of WoW, by leaving Sated, it just seemed that they have progressed alot in the 4 months that I haven't been playing, and I don't wont to try to make them slow down and wait for me to get geared, so that I can start raiding with them again. I also left because there are alot of new people in my old guild, and since I haven't played in a while, I need to ask alot of questions about how things work, and it seems that the only ones that answer are people like Darth, who have been around for a while, and know me....In a guild, it doesn't matter if you know the person or not. If someone needs help, everyone should willingly assist that person. So the second chapter in my book shall begin with my own guild Pug Life.
My biggest pet peeve, is that....If you are wanting to join me, remember this one rule, If you don't help guildies, I will help you find the door.

ps...this is nothing personal against anyone that I know in Sated.