Sunday, March 21, 2010


In response to Shystechris's post "Fail Pugs are Fail" I had to run a few near fail pugs myself. But I am the tank in all of them.
1.)H HoS- Warrior enters making comments about how his health was higher than the tank's, he pulls 1st mob, goes pretty well, I quickly change gear and to my dps spec as soon as leaving combat. After skipping Crys and Maiden, we move directly over and pick up Brann, and gain access to Sjonner or what ever his name is. We down him...warrior and 2 dps leave, healer responds "What a cocky pos". Soooo, there is 2 missing, well needed emblems.
2.)H UP-Had a retarded ass mage pull, I tell him I'm gonna let him have the aggro, all in the mean time the asshole healer was telling me how much i sucked as a tank because i couldnt hold aggro. We make it to Svala, while waiting for the Lich King to stfu, i'm dancing around, dumbass mage pulls the abom at the bottom of the steps with 30 sec left of talking...I let it wipe, mage leaves, we get a new dps, heals still talkin shit about how I just need to delete my fail tank DK. Ready...Set...Go...I lead our group to victory with not a single soul dying. Oh, and after downing Svala, our healer never said another word.
3.)H PoS-OK, 1st boss went really well, no one had a problem hiding behind the rocks, or moving away. We downed the first boss quickly. On to the second boss, hmmm...nope, still not a problem, till we downed him, then...instead of mounting up, and getting our ass up the hill so we can avoid those heavy hitting bastards at the 1st part of the hill, we had stupid people hanging around looking at all the shiny loot. I make it to the top, with the Ele Shaman, turn around to see our group getting 1 shotted so without thinking, I start back down the hill to try and save them, but since heals was at the other end, It was a lost cause...we wipe. Now I am really dreading the battle to get up the hill, just hoping our tree heals wouldnt fail us now. And ya know what, he didnt fail, we made it up the hill to the cave. Now, I clearly stated before we entered, DO NOT DPS, and STAY BEHIND THE TANK, AND IF HEALS PASSES YOU, YOU ARE WRONG.
Well, obviously people dont listen cause i heard the very familiar sound of Fan of Knives, I now see why the rogue always dies Made it to the 1st platform, and our epic tree didnt realize that standing under the falling ice really hurts, we wipe again. Second attempt at the cave went alot better. Now on to the last boss, I ask if every one knows the fight, everyone says yes. I pull, we wipe, I look at friendly fire, and the hunter and rogue both dealt alot of damage to Since this was the rogues second screw up, I initiate a vote to kick...success...In comes pally, and the tree whispers to me that the huntard had gotten a 30K crit....while he had the be why I died so fast. Any ways, we end up wiping 2 more times untill people figure out that I was telling them to stop dpsing when they had the mark, cause it really hurts.
Well, after those interesting instances, my total repair bill came to 97g.
And this makes me beleive that stupid people should have to pay at least 50g each to the tank just to enter the group.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ninja Bastards

Recently I was in a RD with with a bunch of morons, It was my 78 DK, shammy heals, a hunter, warrior, and a ret pally. At first the hunter, shammy and myself were 3 manning all the trash because it was taking forever for the other 2 to enter. Well, finally they made it in, and we were off. We downed Svala in UP without a hitch...not a prob, I got this tank thing down pretty good, although when I'm tanking I take off my heirlooms, and dawn some def gear, except the chest, I still haven't been able to get one to drop. Well, that moment came when we downed The Impaler....I was like..."hell yeah"...till I see the warrior and the pally both need on it. I then proceded to go off, "If you wanna need on tank gear, you need to queue up as a tank, otherwise see if the tank needs it first. Needless to say I did not win the roll, and that pissed me off even more. The damn pally won it, and all he could say when I was bitchin him out was "theres a tank chest as a reward for the quests here"...well since thats the fact, I told him then there was no need for them to need on this chest. Because I was needing on it so that I could wear it for the next fight...Skadi. I told the smart ass pally that he was tanking the rest of the instance...I did some funny shit after that....I started the Skadi fight, and instead of laying D&D or using Blood Boil or even Howling Blast. I just ran straight through the mobs and let them strat dpsing right behind me, which in turn gave them all the aggro they could handle....and more.
I am a strong believer in needing on what ever your roll is, unless those people dont need it, and then you can roll for off spec.
And I also told the fucker to try that shit in a raid, and see how many invites he gets after that.

.....................I teleport out of instance, shammy d/c's......LOL

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Road To Glory

I have recently been grinding it out on my DK, just non stop questing and dungeons. But since my DK is only in the 70's it is hard to get into a random dungeon queue. Therefore, I mark myself as dps/tank, because it took 30 min to get a group as a dps, but as a tank, the longest wait I have had was about 3 min. I have been doing really good as a tank, till the other day when I got put in a group for HoS with a pally, 2 warriors, and a shammy. The funniest thing about this was that when we entered, I noticed that I was the lowest level toon(lvl 75), and that we had 4 plate wearers in the group, so I asked if anyone else wanted to tank, because even with a 536 def, I knew I wasn't ready for this. Sure enough, the bullshit started. As soon as I pulled, I saw one of the warriors pull another mob, so I had to use my taunt on that mob, while losing aggro on the trash I had already pulled. We were on our way to the 1st boss, Ormok, I think, and just to keep my dps behind me, I was having to throw down D&D in front of me while running, and Howling Blast as I kept running till there was no more trash left in the area. Then I would stop and we would down the trash. We made it all the way to the "rock" boss with out anyone dying, we even downed him with out anyone needing a rez, but as soon as we came back out of that tunnel, the morons went right back to work pulling more mobs, forcing me to waste my taunt yet again. WE WIPED. As the pally healer left the group, the warrior that had been fucking retarded the entire time, made the comment "Man, you really suck as a tank.", and before I could even respond he left the group. The other warrior follow shortly after, now, the shammy in the group, made the comment, "3 plate wearers, and all THEY wanted to do was bitch and moan about how you were doing, instead of growing a pair for themselves and opting to tank when you asked". Then he left. I would like to thank that shammy for seeing things from my point of view.
So, as a lesson learned, I have learned that people who have the capability to tank, and wont step up, are most like scared of the ridicule they are so willing to hand out.
In closing, I would like to say, If you dont like the job that is being done....THEN FEEL FREE TO FUCKING DO IT YOURSELF!!!

thank you